Though nitrogen-stabilizing products are among the newest “old-technology” fertilizers on the market, they are still regarded somewhat cautiously by western Canadian farmers....
Already established in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Fusarium head blight is now spreading across Alberta, where tight regulations leave some farmers scrambling to source clean seed. Prevention and rotat...
It took many years for Canada to become aligned under UPOV 91, the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. The international framework allows nations to build an environment...
With the world closely watching agricultural practices, WEEDit has the potential to demonstrate farmers’ commitment to applying the minimum spray required to maintain the highest productivity....
There's no magic wand that can spin lower-quality grain into gold, but you can make the most of a difficult situation by putting in the legwork of taking samples, expanding the network of buyers that ...
While the very dry 2017/18 growing season was followed by low winter snowfall, diminishing the likelihood of spring flooding, spectacular water woes have hit Alberta farms in the past. ...
While the mainstream media continues to paint a dire picture of honeybee populations in North America, commercial beekeepers in Alberta celebrated record hive numbers as the summer of 2017 came to a c...
Extremely dry conditions across the southern Prairies in the 2017 season resulted in surprisingly good yields for most wheat farmers. Prairie crop commissions credit the successful harvest to both ong...