Growing a successful crop is the perennial goal of a farmer. However, that’s just one small step in the bigger puzzle of turning a profit. Freight costs—namely trucking and rail—are a fact of life for...
Food and farming go hand in hand, but in the urbanized 21st century it can be difficult for kids—and even grown-ups—to make the connection. Journey 2050, a farm simulator video game developed by a gro...
If you are a Calgarian, or have recently lived in the city, people may wonder if you were present when it flooded in 2013. The conversations nowadays almost always lead into the state of the economy a...
“If you haven’t tried Shelly’s 4X bread, are you really enjoying that sandwich?” In all honesty, the ship has long since sailed for that bread-tasting opportunity. But if you were around Western Canad...
Chefs are today’s rock stars and providing them with innovative educational opportunities allows them to be ambassadors for many tantalizing foods, including pulses—the official term for beans, peas, ...
Farming isn’t rocket science. It’s actually more complicated than that. The high-tech equipment and production practices employed by farmers today raise the bar on efficiency, environmental sustainabi...
It is difficult to imagine a time when coffee wasn’t everywhere, but hundreds of years ago Italian peasants—unable to afford what was then a premium product—refined the art of recreating the satisfyin...
Calgary International Beerfest—Western Canada’s largest beer festival—is a great opportunity for both new and established breweries, large and small, to showcase their inventive brews for thousands of...
About 20 farmers attended a FarmSafe workshop in Grand Prairie on March 9, part of a series of learning days hosted by Alberta’s four crop commissions in conjunction with Alberta Agriculture and Fores...