Wheat and barley research has improved by leaps and bounds under the Growing Forward 2 agriculture policy framework—specifically, thanks to the AgriInnovation program and its associated research “clus...
As anyone feeling the effects of Father Time will tell you, 25 years brings a lot of changes—some for the better, others not so much. The same can be said for international wheat markets over the past...
In agriculture, succession planning isn’t just an issue that affects the farm. As senior researchers in government and postsecondary institutions near retirement, the pressure to recruit the best and ...
Today’s solar panels may not look a whole lot different than this one— located in a pasture on the Usher Ranch in east-central Alberta—did 20 years ago. However, the technology for pumping water with ...
For western Canadian grain producers, the 2016/17 growing season saw environmental conditions that were nearly perfect—perfect for a dramatic increase in Fusarium graminearum in their wheat crops, tha...
Lewis Baarda was n’t sure exactly what he wanted to do for a career, but he knew he wanted to work outside. Combined with a fascination with maps and a knack for numbers, Baarda soon found his way int...
Cattle and other ruminant animals produce methane gas when they burp and fart, and, unfortunately, they burp and fart a lot. This methane represents about 16 per cent of global greenhouse gas emission...
Last fall ’s harvest was brutal for the majority of Prairie farmers. Many growers have crop still unharvested and fieldwork left undone, yet are facing saturated, frozen ground in their fields. Hopefu...
As dean of a faculty that has more than 2,000 students (at a university with a population of 39,000-plus) I see the decisions that students are constantly faced with when it comes to their careers. An...