Alberta’s craft distilleries are raising a glass to toast the provincial government’s announcement of a new grant program for small distillers that will particularly benefit new entrants to the busine...
Baking bread at home can be daunting for those who have never used live cultures before. But despite that—and the complex science of bread baking—the slow-food movement and the quality of bread made a...
Hearing that a college student was growing mushrooms in his dorm room might give you the wrong idea, but Alex Villeneuve is not that kind of student. In fact, Villeneuve saw an opportunity in mushroom...
It may be surprising to some Canadians that real hunger exists right on our doorstep and just down the road. Canadian food banks are being called upon more and more to provide nutritious food for a la...
As our country celebrates its 150th birthday, there are many people, places and things that make us proud to be Canadian. In December 2016, Abacus Data, an Ottawa-based research group, compiled a list...
EARL Jeninga and 11 other Canadians travelled to Rwanda in January to learn about projects supported by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) and to see where CFGB funds—which are primarily raised by Ca...
When someone said, “the best things in life are free,” were they talking about being free of gluten and hormones? Based on celebrity endorsements and pop culture sentiment, it seems there’s growing su...
Ask someone to name a career in agriculture, and the odds are good that the first word out of their mouth will be “farmer.” While it’s true that farming forms the foundation of the industry, those men...
Olds College recently launched its new Werklund Agriculture Institute (WAI) to continue its industry-leading applied research into the field of “smart agriculture.”...
In a region where a head of iceberg lettuce costs $10, a bag of carrots costs $7 and a kilogram of grapes can cost as much as $38, it’s easy to understand why nearly 60 per cent of the population is c...