Farmers know that soils and crops exhibit variability. From Alberta’s first soil surveys in the 1920s to today’s vegetation and soil electrical conductivity maps, the mapping of these variations has i...
Sustainability is a broad term. It is subjective, and can have different connotations based on the subject it is used to describe. In its very simplest form, it is defined as the ability to be maintai...
It’s often said that weather and government policy are the two biggest influences on grain prices. Weather obviously drives the supply side of the equation. And, as with most industries, government po...
While developing higher-yielding varieties is always a central objective, improving other agronomic and quality characteristics in cereal crops can be an equal and sometimes greater challenge. This ac...
This farmer loading his seed drill near Dalroy, AB, was employing near-top-of-the-line equipment in 1911. Did he have any idea what was to come in seeding technology? In this photo taken by W.J. Olive...
On an effort to grow the economy and create jobs, the Canadian government will invest $950 million to generate partnerships that will drive innovation through the Innovation Superclusters Initiative. ...
As Canadian trade negotiations continue with potential global partners, opportunity for economic growth in agriculture is greater than ever. The prospect of modernizing the North American Free Trade A...
For all farms, maintaining an effective nutrient management plan is highly recommended. To optimize yields, soils should be regularly sampled to determine nutrient levels and determine appropriate fer...