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Most farmers don’t conduct regular new variety trials on their own farms. Typically, farmers take a longterm approach. When the performance of a trusted variety sags, they may consult the Alberta Seed Guide and plant a few dozen acres, or even an entire field, of a newer variety listed within its pages.

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If you like to read soil moisture maps in bed (and who doesn’t?), the latest of these may keep you up at night. Recent Government of Alberta precipitation and accumulated moisture maps picture zones of potential trouble. While they aren’t cause for panic, some spots warrant a closer look.

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There is growing interest among farmers on the use of biostimulants to boost crop yield and quality. But with curiosity comes skepticism, as limited data on their effectiveness is available. To dispel some of the mystery around these potentially powerful tools, we spoke with companies now developing biostimulants, researchers who aim to quantify their efficacy and farmers who have adopted them in crop management systems.

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