In collecting excess user fees from farmers, the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) accumulated a sizable surplus since 2013/14. The almost $100 million is now the subject of an industry- wide consultati...
Wheat prices have experienced quite a ride between spring and fall. There was a sharp rally in late June and early July as markets focused on the dry conditions in the northern plains of the U.S. and ...
This issue of GrainsWest arrives at harvest time. In my experience growing up on a mixed farm in north-central Alberta, it was practically a sin to spill grain. But if you were on Twitter this last ye...
In February 2017, the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley launched a crop sector mentorship program. AdvancingAg: Future Leaders Program pairs mentees aged 18 to 35 with crop sector profession...
According to agricultural experts, grain-drying technologies are being drastically overlooked in the Canadian farming industry, and many farmers could be losing out on profit by not taking advantage o...
One hundred and nine Nobel laureates can’t be wrong.
Matt Sawyer, a grain and oilseed farmer who raises Black Angus cattle near Acme, AB, and Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association director, sa...
As sayings go, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” may not be profound, but for Canadian farmers faced with the reopening of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), it offers more than a “grain...
Canada’s Liberal government is halfway through its first term, and despite early concerns that the caucus may be light on agricultural expertise, its members are receiving positive reviews from leader...
A wheat breeder with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Dr. Harpinder Randhawa, a research
scientist specializing in spring wheat and triticale breeding, has spent more than 20 years immersed in this...