Marketing decisions are
difficult at the best of times, particularly
prior to planting given the uncertainty
and potential scenarios that could play out
over the ensuing year. However, under-
standing the dynamics that drive values,
keeping an eye on profit margins, man-
aging risk and leaning toward crops that
have growing demand will help farmers
make the best decisions in an environ-
ment full of unknowns.
Profits may not be the sole reason most
farmers do what they do, but it is the ox-
ygen that sustains the business over time.
A key part of potential profitability is the
outlook for prices. Markets are difficult to
predict with certainty, particularly for a
crop that is still months away from even
being planted, and that will be marketed
over an 18-month window or even longer.
The winter months are typically a time
when major news hits somewhat of a lull.
The Northern Hemisphere provides the
majority of the world’s grain production,
and this winter period is when the previ-
ous year’s crop has been fully accounted
for and priced into markets, yet attention
hasn’t been fully turned toward the next
cycle. South American production is an
important driver, particularly for soy-
beans. To a somewhat lesser extent, corn
can also shape the outlook for Prairie mar-
kets. Otherwise, the supply side of many
balance sheets is in a “wait-and-see” mode.
We are also coming off a year when the
world experienced record production for
most major crops, including wheat, oilseeds
and coarse grains. The Prairies struggled
with quality in many areas, but overall
production was also high. The result is that
there are very few markets that are set up
to be particularly tight going into the 2017
growing season, even if in a number of
cases stocks won’t be burdensome either.
Planting decisions are typically shaped
by price outlook, something that is often
uncertain in mid-winter, but there are a
few things that growers can do to try to
tilt the market in their favour.
First, focus on opportunities to lock
in profitability, particularly in crops that
have the headwind of a heavy supply going
into the growing season. Even heavy mar-
kets see periodic recoveries as end users
look to cover their needs at low valuations,
potentially opening up price opportunities
for farmers. Many special crop markets
can also offer new crop contracts at
profitable levels. Growers need to have an
accurate assessment of their production
costs so they can know with confidence
whether or not an opportunity is actually
profitable for their farm. Producers also
need to be managing risk and locking
in profits without leaving money on the
table if there is the potential for greater
upside. This requires a sound understand-
ing of the dynamics that will drive prices
through the coming year, and monitoring
them on an ongoing basis for any changes.
Second, growers will want to lean
toward those markets that have more
favourable underlying demand stories.
In these cases, there is a better chance
for excess supplies to get worked through
more quickly, and for end users to be more
eager to step in and get coverage.
Vegetable oil has seen stronger demand
growth in recent years due to rising con-
sumption from both human use (particu-
larly in emerging markets) and biodiesel.
This provides a tailwind for crops such as
canola. Pulses continue to see growth as
well, although the surge in production this
past season could leave some additional
stocks to work through.
Crops like oats and feed grains see little
or no structural demand growth, and
there is a high degree of substitutability
between the feed grains. That’s not to
say that producers should ignore these
crops—demand may not be growing as
rapidly as it is for other crops, but it is also
steady. That being said, there is a lower
chance of seeing demand draw down sup-
plies more quickly than what might have
been anticipated. Wheat is somewhere in
between. Global growth in human con-
sumption is more incremental, but live-
stock feeding could help to work through
the excess supply, and there remains good
demand for high-quality Canadian wheat.
In closing, it’s important to make in-
formed marketing decisions, especially be-
fore planting. Ensuring you have a proper
understanding of all the factors that will
affect your profit is key to success. From
market outlooks to profit margins to grow-
ing demands, spending time on research
and news (or having a market adviser who
you trust to put in the time) will ensure
you make informed decisions that you can
feel confident about. You’ll sleep better
knowing every move you made was one
with intention.
Jon Driedger is a senior market analyst
with FarmLink Marketing Solutions.
Long-termtrends canshape short-termplans