conversation this past fall after a story on the
diminished profit received for dry grains appeared
in a September issue of
The Western Producer
. “More to the
point, extremely dry grain was the issue that led to grain
wetting becoming a talking point at the elevator, the coffee
shop and in the ag press,” said Kevin Bender, farmer and chair
of the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC).
Harvest 2017 was marked by, among other things, some
very, very dry grain being harvested. Dry grain would seem to
be the ideal, given its ease of storage and the length of time
for which it can be safely stored. “After all, grain is a food, and
safe storage of foods and food ingredients is a top concern for
everyone in the value chain, including farmers,” said Bender.
“There is a negative flip side to this for farmers, though, and
that is, overly dry grain means less grain weight at delivery.
Growers are essentially paid on delivered weight with quality
determining final net price after discounts.”
Growers also feel they are less than fairly treated when they
deliver very dry grain because there is the expectation that
the grain company will be able to extract additional value from
that grain at port by blending it with tougher grain. All of that
gain goes to the grain handler and marketer.
“All growers are asking for is to be fairly compensated for
the product they deliver,” said Bender.
When harvest produces tough or damp grain, farmers are
discounted according to moisture-discount schedules set by
elevator companies—the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC)
sets ranges for dry, tough, moist and damp grain-moisture
levels. Growers can, and do, attempt to dry grain down to
safe storage levels. Grain can go out of condition very, very
quickly if it is put into storage tough or damp. “Grain put
into storage that is not dry is at risk of spoilage and at risk of
microorganisms producing toxins that can negatively impact
both human health and the manufacturing process. Growers
strive to protect the integrity of the crop they produce at all
times,” said Bender.
Geoff Backman, AWC business development and markets
manager, has also been fielding calls on the issue of overly dry
grain and then the obvious—but illegal—fix of grain wetting.
“There was a glaring difference between the harvest in central
and northern Alberta and southern Alberta,” said Backman.
“Guys up north were being discounted for tough grain, or
they had to pay to dry their grain, whereas their peers in
the southern part of the province were being penalized for
overly dry grain—penalized as in not getting any premium or
improved basis levels. That penalty was technically a price
discount due to weight reduction from grain that would be
considered dry at 13.5 per cent moisture content.”
Backman also relayed his experience on international New
Crop Missions with Team Canada during which end-users
have expressed concerns about rising moisture content in
Canadian wheat generally. “While the rising levels might be
due to late harvests and environmental factors, one can’t
help but wonder why growers are not offered premiums for
extra-dry grain that can go some way to reducing the overall
moisture content of a cargo,” explained Backman. “Food for
thought, at least.”
The CGC is the federal agency responsible for enforcing the
laws and regulations that govern the storage, transportation
and handling of grain in Canada and has the organizational
responsibility to propose new laws and regulations that might
better serve the industry. Grain wetting may be seen as an
option to raise the moisture in very dry grain, but the practice
is considered to be in contravention of the Canada Grain
Act (CGA) by the CGC. Derek Bunkowsky, CGC program
manager, national inspection procedures and regulatory
compliance, monitors industry compliance under the various
regulations that govern grain handling in Canada.
“Adding water to grain after harvest—so-called grain
wetting—can potentially have a negative impact on grain
storability, quality and safety,” said Bunkowsky. “That is the
reason the practice is in contravention of the CGA.”
Pertinent to Bunkowsky’s point, section 58 states:
Except as required by order of the Commission, no operator
of a licensed elevator is required to receive into the elevator
any grain that has gone or is likely to go out of condition.
Moreover, section 104 states:
No operator of a licensed elevator shall …
c) except under the regulations or an order of the
Commission, receive into or discharge from the elevator
any grain, grain product or screenings that is infested or
contaminated; or
d) except with the permission of the Commission, mix with
any grain in the elevator any material other than grain.
There are two things at play here. Firstly, the elevator
operator is not required to receive grain he or she thinks
might go out of condition. And secondly, it is explicitly in
contravention of the CGA to deliver to an elevator grain
that has been “contaminated.” In the case of wetting grain,
the water used may be considered a contaminant. And the
elevator itself is very limited in what it can do with grain once it
is in the facility.
Getting back to why grain wetting is so maligned,
Bunkowsky explained the risks associated with adding water
to grain. “Not only do growers and grain handlers face risk
with wetted grain going out of condition and spoiling in
storage, they also are in a situation where the moisture content
of the grain is now not accurately discernible,” he said.
“Moisture meters are not designed or calibrated to work with