to the guidelines listed in the Act,” he
continued. “There are other options, they
just can’t sell it as seed.”
As it becomes more common on
the Prairies, Fusarium has created
problems for farmers, including yield
loss, downgrading issues and market
acceptability issues when mycotoxin
concentrations are high—and Alberta
seed producers are particularly hard hit.
In Alberta, FHB has most commonly
been found—and done the greatest
damage—in the southern part of the
province, said Harding. “But in 2010, the
information we were getting from the
seed testing labs and from the Canadian
Grain Commission was indicating that
it was becoming more common than
it previously had been in areas outside
southern Alberta,” he said.
In 2015 and 2016, Alberta Agriculture
and Forestry (AF) conducted a survey
that determined FHB levels were quite
high in a number of counties outside
southern Alberta. Those areas, including
along the Saskatchewan border as
far north as Lloydminster, now have
significant levels. “It looks as though
Fusarium either is becoming, or has
become, well established along the
eastern border,” said Harding.
Given that FHB doesn’t simply go
away once established, some farmers
believe a near-zero-tolerance policy no
longer makes sense. “If you’re in an area
where it’s really common, it really doesn’t
make any difference if there’s a little bit
of Fusarium on the seed because it’s
already established in the crop residue at
a level much higher than it would be on
the seed,” said Harding. But, he added,
“We want to prevent it from spreading.”
For Greg Stamp, whose 5,500-acre
seed growing operation is located near
Enchant in southern Alberta, FHB can be
an issue. He says 2016 was a particularly
tough year, especially for durum, and
that it’s difficult to get certain varieties
into the province because of low-level
FHB. “Some varieties aren’t accessible
in Alberta, period, the way the rules are
set up,” he said. “So, that puts Alberta
behind a little bit.
“Some of the companies that want
to grow high-generation seed here,
maybe they’re scared to because if it has
half a per cent Fusarium, then they can’t
use it even though that number is quite
manageable,” he said.
On the plus side, a bad FHB year can
also generate interest in other provinces
for Alberta-grown seed. “In 2016, we
had farmers looking for durum,” said
Stamp. “Some farmers in Saskatchewan
were just happy to get something that
had lower disease levels and better
To avoid yield loss, prevention is key,
said Kelly Turkington, Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada research scientist.
Growers who are concerned about
Fusarium in 2018 should look at how
their crop did in 2017, said Turkington.
Was it downgraded? Did tested seed
come back positive? “That will give them
some indication of what could potentially
happen,” he said.
For those who live in regions where
typical rotations are canola-wheat-
canola-wheat, this year may present
an issue. Those who were in wheat in
2016 when FHB hit a record-high level
might consider skipping wheat this year.
“That residue from 2016 would still be
in the field and could contribute spores
that could infect their 2018 crop,” said
Turkington, who also advises farmers
to determine if their neighbours have
FHB problems. “If you’re looking to
plant a cereal crop, and adjacent fields
have been in corn for a while, there’s an
elevated risk,” he said.
He also emphasized fungicide
timing as an important factor that
determines impact. “If you’re looking
at using a fungicide, the problem is
that you have to make the decision to
spray before you actually see disease
symptoms in the crop,” said Turkington.
“If your weather maps are indicating
that you’re at moderate to high risk,
and your previous history with the
issue has it well established in your
fields or neighbouring fields, in that
situation, spraying might improve grade
and could mean a sizable economic
The prevalence of Fusarium head blight on the Prairies and its increasing occurrence in Alberta has farmers
questioning the province’s zero-tolerance policy.