From there, we should expand our
Asia-Pacific trade agenda into China.
One Chinese proverb says, “The best
time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The
second-best time is now.” Canada can and
should apply that same piece of wisdom
to bolstering trade relations with Xi
Jinping’s administration. By 2022, China’s
middle class is expected to number an
eye-popping 550 million. That’s a crowd
that will spur a rapidly growing demand
for high-quality products, especially food.
Canada cannot ignore an agri-food export
opportunity of this magnitude.
And why stop there? We should send an
envoy to Vietnam, get Malaysia’s country
code and start making calls. If the TPP
isn’t meant to be, maybe a course of action
that prioritizes close, bilateral relation-
ships with many of the doomed deal’s
signatories will be our new path into the
uncertain future.
Here in Canada, we produce an enor-
mous supply of quality agri-food products
that make their way all around the world
every year. We have more than enough to
feed our own, so let’s start tapping into
new markets and bring greater pros-
perity to Canada’s farmers and general
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one of AFSC’s 45 Branch Offices today.
Over 15 million acres of land were
insured by Alberta producers in 2016
under AFSC’s Annual Crop Production
Insurance program.
In our January 2017 issue, Clair Langlois was
misidentified in a story as a current Certified
Crop Adviser. Langlois was a CCA between
November 1997 and September 2000 while
working in Eastern Canada.