GrainsWest Summer 2018

The Food Issue 2018 43 of transactional paradigm—it will make it move faster. It will overcome borders and hopefully has the capability to overcome trade barriers. Everyone in the third-party logistics chain [food shippers, wholesalers and retailers] could ultimately benefit from this. The consumers feel very, very satisfied with the chain of custody in the food supply chain.” By marketing it correctly, Yee said blockchain could leverage brand-new opportunities for all types of farmers through digital technology and a trusted supply chain. For those marketing specialty crops that are in high demand and have specific, verifiable growing characteristics, the prospect of higher profit is even greater. By 2023, Yee expects blockchain systems to come online and start jockeying for position in the great blockchain race. “I think this is something that can beat autonomous farming,” he said, suggesting that this technological innovation could see widespread implementation long before the similarly revolutionary mainstreaming of self-driving farm machinery takes place. FARMER FOCUS If farmers are the ones who stand to gain the most, then count Cole Siegle as one happy dirt scratcher. The Fairview farmer manages 1,000 acres of canola and wheat annually. Supply chain issues can be difficult for many farmers, including Siegle, a crop technology graduate of Lakeland College. He keeps track of all he does on his farm through electronic management tools, leading him to believe there should be a little more moola at the end of the day for his digital fidelity. “I should be able to extract a premium for keeping my records up to date with blockchain,” he said. “I am excited to see if this technology will bring on-farm traceability.” Siegle believes consumers fascinated by food production would be the ones most pleased to be able to scan a product at a grocery store and know that it’s local, how it was produced or the distance it travelled to their kitchen. “Blockchain has a way of connecting the whole supply chain, which is huge. That will reflect positively on the farmer,” he said. BIG-BOX BLOCKCHAIN A hallmark of new technology is that it may stick around longer than a fortnight and have widespread industry uptake (sorry, HD DVDs and MiniDisc players). It appears blockchain may have sticking power. IBM is currently collaborating with 10 of the world’s largest food retailers and producers to pinpoint sources of food contamination using blockchain. IBM’s goal isn’t to simply swap out an existing system with a new one, but rather to achieve three ideals, according to Manav Gupta, IBM Canada’s chief technology officer of cloud technology. Blockchain should be used to reduce food waste, provide better food-industry visibility—from consumers to retailers to regulators—and create greater confidence in the provenance of food. This last point would help ensure the organic flax you buy is actually so, and that its origin, food miles, safeness and authenticity are guaranteed. He said that the widespread use of blockchain will reduce food waste since it allows a specific product to be traced at any time. It would allow contaminated products to be traced quickly, while safe food would not be unnecessarily disposed of. Ultimately, it would push for a global food system that would better serve consumers than ever before in human history. Gupta’s practical example of food-borne illnesses underscores blockchain’s utility. If one grocery chain has a food recall on cabbage, all retailers throw out their cabbage just to be safe, he said. Now, through blockchain, the time it takes to trace food contamination and outbreak sources is being dramatically reduced and food is being saved. “That’s immediate visibility and being able to track where it came from. As well, on the consumer side, we’ll be able to test health and nutritional claims. Some of these claims are in the blockchain itself and become immutable,” said Gupta. “Details about the food handlers, certifications they have … these are all pieces of data that consumers and supply chain people view as critical information.” Today, the changes are being driven equally by consumers and industry, according to Gupta. “We are more interested in finding out how much our food has travelled. Is this salmon really wild salmon, or is it farmed salmon, for example? The consumer is getting more aware and wants more information about food and the carbon footprint,” he said. “Industry is focusing on providing better visibility—one, to each other; two, to the regulators; and three, nobody likes bad headlines when there is a food-borne illness getting traced.” IBM is working with the Hyperledger Project, an open- source project intended to make blockchain available to anyone, whether they’re selling eggs in the countryside, clothing en masse or anything in between. And just like Yee, Gupta sees how Canada’s farmers can earn more through the power of blockchain. “Early adopters will certainly have tremendous benefits of the first-mover advantage,” he said. “Some commodities are at a premium, and for those commodities in certain parts of the world, being able to trace that right down to the farm it came from, like those in Canada, with its pristine soil and lack of environmental damage—that commands a premium dollar.” Above all, blockchain will continue to be adopted by a growing number of companies. That is the biggest reason why this technology will revolutionize the world in a similar fashion to the internet. “Technology has to be no more expensive than what it takes to do that process today, or if it is, it has to provide an exponential benefit that outweighs the [cost],” he said, adding that when it comes to blockchain, the benefit is clear and the price is right. “They’ll do it by verifying and validating transactions in a near-costless manner. We’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg of the technology at this point.”