Grainswest - Tech 2024

Tech 2024 Grains West 12 THE FARMGATE THE INTENT OF THE NUFFIELD Canada Scholarship program is to con- nect agricultural scholars with farmers and ag professionals across the globe. Established in 1950, the program is geared towards mid-career individuals, it empowers recipients with $15,000 and a two-year mandate to travel and research a topic of their choosing. Upon comple- tion of their research, each must produce a 10,000-word report and share their findings with the Canadian agriculture industry at a local, provincial and nation- al level. “The value of a Canadian Nuffield Scholarship begins with its people and the experience they gain travelling the world, being introduced to new perspec- tives and cultures coupled with incred- ible conversations around innovation, technology, people and ideas,” said Steve Larocque, Nuffield Canada Chair and a 2008 Scholar. “All of this is brought home to Canada, their community and their businesses where learnings are shared, new ideas are transformed and the status quo is challenged. The result is the development of strong, resilient leaders [who are] champions of Canadian agriculture. The byproducts are fresh ide- as, and a renewed passion for advancing agriculture.” Six 2024 participants will investigate topics that range from agri-tourism to seed production networks for native plant varieties. Significantly, for the first time in the scholarship’s 74-year history, an Indigenous person with an Indig- enous-focused topic has been named. Tatum Claypool, a member of the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, will pursue “The Resurgence of Indigenous People in Agriculture: Exploring the barriers, challenges and opportunities” as her area of study. “The ideal outcome of this project is to provide insights to help Indigenous people creatively disassemble barriers in this industry so they can reclaim their inherent seat at the agriculture table,” said Claypool. “I see the opportunities that a Nuffield scholarship offers as a key component in my quest to gain and trans- late knowledge in this area.” Claypool plans to travel to Australia, New Zealand and the U.S. and visit In- digenous communities that have Championsof agriculture Scholarship programbuilds strong leaders, new ideas The 2024 Nuffield Scholarship cohort included Tatum Claypool (centre, with sash) and Matt McIntosh (second from right). The program provides participants with money for travel as they conduct research into agricultural topics.