Grainswest - Winter 2023

NEW Esma 2-Row Barley German performance for Canadian farms. Das Barley ar ey Genes that fit your farm. ® 800-665-7333 Developed by Ackermann, Germany. Genes that fit your farm ® is a registered trademark of SeCan. VUA = Variety Use Agreement In 2017, SeCan started testing 2-row barley cultivars from Europe – the goal was to find high-yielding short strong-strawed varieties that would fit the Canadian market. In small plot tests, we’ve been impressed with the performance of Esma and others under high production conditions. In spring 2020, Esma was released to SeCan members in western Canada. Over the past two years, we have been more than pl easantly surprised… actually shocked! with Esma’s strong performance under extremely dry conditions. But don’t ask us – talk to your local SeCan member who grew Esma in 2021 and find out how it did on their farm. While our goal was a high-performance feed barley, Esma also has strong malt characteristics and is grown as a malt variety in many regions. SeCan will work with interested brewers and maltsters to determine the fit for malting in North America. Esma was developed exclusively by Ackermann of Germany – a small private company that has been breeding barley for over 100 years. Esma will be sold under a Variety Use Agreement (VUA) to reward the breeding efforts and encourage future investment in barley breeding for Canada.