Grainswest Tech 2021
Tech 2021 Grains West 28 be gone within five to six minutes; not terrible. Everything is now much more automated. A distributor head and foot pedal system allow an operator to swing a centralized bucket elevator to wherever Rumpf requires, whether to their NECO 24240 mixed flow dryer or final storage. Overall, the handling system moves 700 MT each hour. The brothers agree it’s pointless to take turns dragging the auger around the yard, wasting precious time. “It makes sense for our operation to do away with grain augers,” said Rumpf. “That’s why we looked at the automated system. We can leave it to run, nobody babysitting, frees up a truck driver or wherever you need an extra guy.” The Rumpfs run four Claas combines and a good day spent harvesting will see them bring about 750 MT back to the yard. Their setup is also designed to ship out efficiently. When contracted grain needs to move, it’s pre-loaded into two overhead bins. “When it’s time to ship grain out and move it, it’s not a big deal,” he said. “We’d have the bin loaded overhead. We can load two super-Bs and the trucks are leaving the yard within 15 minutes. We’re spoiled.” Along with more bins, the Rumpfs added that NECO dryer this past year. With 60,000 bushels of wet bin storage ahead of the dryer, the dryer runs all day with steady loads of grain to dry down. On average, it handles 1,800 bushels per hour of CWRS going from 17 per cent moisture to dry. Overnight, the dryer’s addition changed the Rumpfs’ basic harvest planning process. “Last year, we didn’t have to stop or wait,” he said. “When we were done combining, I only dried an extra half day then the drying was all “The more efficiencies you can build into your grain handling systems, to help them manage through the tighter labour force in the farm sector, the better.” — Ralph Wegman FEATURE The Rumpf system, which is now under construction, is designed to handle incoming and outgoing grain with maximum efficiency.
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